Running a business is about having the courage. Whether you’re leading a start-up, a scale-up or an established company, clearly formulated arrangements about the structure of an organisation are the foundation for success. You can rely on our expertise, in good times and in bad.
From incorporation to exit
Just starting out as a business owner? Or are you putting together an investment round or working on an exit plan? At Four & Five, we specialise in developing structures to enable your business to achieve rapid growth, regardless of its current position in its life cycle. Thanks to our extensive network, we are always up to date regarding the latest developments in the world of business angels, private equity and VCs.
Investment rounds
Investment rounds are a milestone in the life of any business and our experts at Four & Five are familiar with every twist and turn. We offer comprehensive support in all aspects of the process, including working with you to draw up the legal framework in accordance with the relevant laws and help you conduct the necessary negotiations. This includes funding structures and mechanisms, investor relations, the issuing of shares, governance and agreements with shareholders and legal documentation. Our strengths lie in all stages of the process and in the negotiation of the typical documents, ranging from declarations of intent and term sheets to (convertible) loans, shareholders’ agreements, SPAs, subscription agreements and all other agreements you may come across during the course of an investment round. De experts van Four Five kennen het klappen van de zweep.
Shareholders’ agreements
Would you get married without a pre-nuptial agreement? We wouldn’t advise that. So when it comes to your business, we recommend that you and your business partners draw up a clear shareholders’ agreement. That will give you the peace of mind that you need. Our agreements are all about clarity and will strengthen your position if a conflict occurs.
Restructurings & mergers
A partial or full demerger? A seamless or full merger? A transfer of assets or simply the contribution of a business? Sometimes, a merger or restructuring of your organisation becomes necessary. In addition to the commercial, financial and industrial decisions, you will be confronted with legal issues involving different aspects of the company. Effective and efficient legal guidance is crucial, and we are your partner that solves these issues.

Day-to-day corporate support and compliance
The day-to-day administration and formal aspects of your business shouldn’t divert your attention away from your core activity. So we’re here for you and will actively monitor the compliance and wellbeing of your company from a legal and corporate perspective.
Management incentive and Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
Do you want to convince a candidate to come on board with an attractive share package or do you want to give key members of your workforce that extra incentive to give of their best? We will work with you to identify the most suitable way to turn this into reality. We will find the right legal tool and draw up the right wording to provide a future-proof incentive.